Awesome tips!

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abdi abrahim

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Great tips, thank you for sharing as some of these will help my own practice in this area. One of my biggest bugbears is sitting through a panel where the moderator literally just asks the same question to each participant, and then moves to the next question. Really - I've been there too many times.

Whereas what I love about moderating panels is that the role feels part-facilitator, part-investigator - you go out to find the shades of grey, or the overlaps between participant experience. To do this you have to actively allow - and closely manage - digressions. But I find that the exciting element 'being on'. And if it all comes together your questions become fall-backs not go-tos.

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Hey Ami,

I really love your content, apologies if this is the wrong place, would love to collaborate at some point, just sent you a msg on LinkedIn.

Greetings from a fellow MS colleague in 2006

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