#5 is gold. Will start from next Monday!

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Agree, #5 is solid. I built an app to help me with 1 & 2 called HeyToday (HeyToday.co). It still needs some love, but it has been helpful to make the amount of time tasks take more explicit.

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I love #5 too. I recently read Christine Carrilo mention something similar on Twitter too (https://twitter.com/ChristineCarril/status/1533141752412094466).

I have two tactical questions on this:

1. How granular are the priorities that you share? Can you share an obfuscated version of this week's priority?

2. How do you communicate it to the team? Is it passive (like a doc that anyone can read) or is it more of a push mechanism (email/IM)?

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That's a great thread -- thanks for sharing!

1. My priorities are all different levels of granularity -- everything from:

- go deep on X product & resolve Y strategic question

- speak at Z all-hands

- get to inbox 5 (that one shows up every week)

I honestly don't spend a lot of time refining my weekly goals, and use it more as an accountabiliy checkin for myself. I spend most of my goal-setting time at the start of every half, which is where I lay out the big things I need to do.

2. I have tried lots of things! I used to do a push -- posting in a group for my direct reports. Now I do something more passive -- maintain a running list in a Google doc that's open to the whole company, so anyone can take a quick scan through and see what my overall goals are + where I've been spending my time + how I've been rating myself on those priorities.

The most important thing for me has actually been the simple step of sharing it with *anyone* -- I started this practice by sharing with just one person every week. Even that single step made me feel far more accountability.

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Thanks, very useful!

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